Admin - Designation for a user that has control over lab configuration settings. Also known as a Lab Manager.
Aggregate - Type of report that collects data over a period of time and presents it to the user.
Barcodes - Used in inventory management to create printable 'barcode' labels for reagents.
Director - Designation for a user that oversees many laboratories, typically at the country level. Manages lab configuration standardization.
Grouped Reports - Reports that cover multiple types of information.
Inventory - Interface for managing reagents and supplies.
Lab Configuration - Collection of customizable settings relating to the collection and storage of data.
Manager - Another name for an Admin user. Also known as a Lab Manager.
Patient - Entry for a ptient whose specimen tests are performed on.
Prevalence Rate - The percentage of rate occurrence of a particular result of tests.
Reagent - Term used in inventory control in BLIS. Denotes any physical supply that requires tracking in the inventory system.
Registration - The act of entering a patient into the BLIS program. Creates a unique patient entry that can be associated with specimens and tests.
Reports - Pages that collect metrics for various types of data. The scope of these reports varies from individual patients to entire groups of laboratories.
Results - The recorded outcome of tests performed on specimens.
Specimen - An entry representing a physical specimen or reading taken from a patient.
Specimen Type - Classification for different types of specimens.
Technician - A designation for a user who is tasked with entering data into BLIS.
Test - An entry representing a test or reading taken from a specimen.
Test Type - Classification for different types of tests.
Turnaround Time - A measurement of the time it takes to receive a result, once a specimen is collected.
User - Any person or entity that logs into the BLIS program.
Verify - An action performed on test entries that validates the results for further use.
Worksheet - Customizable, printable sheets for improving the speed at which information is recorded in a physical sense (i.e. not entered directly into the BLIS program.)